Liste des dons

Il y a actuellement 1857 dons disponibles sur le site.


Corrupt Arcane

Catégorie : Dons de Souillure

Tiré du manuel : Heroes of Horror

Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor
Craft Epic Psicrown
Craft Epic Psionic Arms and Armor
Craft Epic Ring
Craft Epic Rod
Craft Epic Staff
Craft Epic Wondrous Item
Craft Psicrown
Craft Rod
Craft Rune Circle
Craft Scepter
Craft Skull Talisman
Craft Staff
Craft Talisman
Craft Universal Item
Craft Wand
Craft Wondrous Item
Create Infusion
Create Magic Arms and Armor
Create Portal
Create Psionic Arms and Armor
Crossbow Sniper
Crowd Tactics
Crushing Strike
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